Kenya Children's Homes

Catch up with KCH

May 2023


Conversation Day 22nd May

It’s #conversationday today and the children are having a lovely time chatting with one another. The art of conversation is alive and well at KCH


World Tea Day

In honour of world tea day yesterday, as the children enjoyed taking their tea and bread before leaving for church. Eating together as a family is so important and something we all value greatly. #teaday2023


World Smile Day

The children and staff also celebrated World Smile Day this month.


Life Skills and Cookery Demonstrations

The children all enjoyed a cookery demonstration and learning life skills. They did so well.
City Primary School visit
We welcomed a group of 50 pupils from City Primary School in Nairobi together with their classmate Michael who is a resident with us at the home. It was lovely for his classmates to see where he lives and everyone had a blast during the visit.
Homecoming for Gladys
Suswa held a homecoming celebration for Gladys, a grade 4 little girl who hurt her finger and has been living at our children's home in Nairobi while she received treatment. The team at Suswa gave her a very warm welcome home.


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